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Bath County News - Outlook
Owingsville, Kentucky
August 16, 2012     Bath County News - Outlook
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August 16, 2012
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News Outlook Your Hometown Newspaper August 16, 2012 - 5 NOTICE Charles Leach of Pickshein Road is not the same Charles Leach that appears in the Court News. Local candidates for fall elections By Cecil Lawson KyNewsGroup Tuesday, August 14, was the filing deadline in the Commonwealth of Ken- tucky for local elections. According to Bath County Clerk Carolyn Rogers, the following candidates have filed to run in Bath Coun- ty: Bath County Board of Education District 3 Brandon Green Barbara Razor District 4 Tara Lee Rawlings B. A. Franklin Farley Jason Purvis Connie Grimes District 5 Bill Boyd Fay Hart Shelly Miller Sanders Sharpsburg City Council David Jones Phillip Fetters Thelma June Gulley Patsy Richardson Jimmy Davis Gary Bealert Charles Adkins Nancy Purvis Laura Johnson Roberta Bashford Greg Brooks Norman Crouch Bath County Conser- vation District Melissa Ginter Jackie Watson Aitkin Buckler Barbara Boyd Christopher Hardin Bath County Circuit Owingsville City Court Clerk Council Claudette Faudere I[ Ro ' Wed00ng[I Bai- bbins Charity A. Bailey and Gregory A. Robbins are happy to announce their engagement and forth- coming marriage. Charity is the daugh- ter of Jane and David T. Bailey of Owingsville, Ky. She graduated from Morehead State Univer- sity in 2010 with a Mas- ter's degree in Clinical Psychology. She is cur- renfly employed as an Outpatient Therapist at Pathways, Inc. Greg is the son of Su- sie and Roy Robbins, also of Owingsville, Ky. He is a 2001 graduate of Bath County High School and is currently employed as a subcontractor. The wedding and re- ception will be held at the Clay Community Cen- ter in Mt. Sterling, Ky. at 5:30 p.m., August 18, 2012. The couple plans to reside in Mt. Sterling. Join Us Saturday, August 25th For a Day of Food and Fun! 1-4 p.m. Bring your family for a day of food and fun! mt. sterling pediatrics trdndy t. Fouch, MD. 5hasta Kessler, APRN "Your Hometown Pediatrics Specialists" (859) 498-5243 Shrout Reunion A reunion of the descendants of David and Cynthia Shrout will be held Sunday, Septem- ber 2, 2012, 12:30 p.m. in the Com- munity Room of the Moores Ferry Church of Christ. Thank You.' We are so grateful and feel so honored for everyone's friendship and everything done for us during and after the sudden death of our dear wife and mother, Edna Rae Phillips. Thank you for all of the visits, cards, prayers, food, flowers, phone calls, just be- ing there for us, helping in so many ways. We will always remember each and every one. Again, we are very grateful and thank everyone so very much. Thurman and Jeannie Phillips Child Find for Children with Disabilities in Need of Special Education or 504 Services Menifee County Schools Child Find The Men[fee County School District keeps educational records in a secure location in each school and Board office. The Menifee County School District obtains written consent from a parent or eligible student (age 18 or who is attending a postsecondary institution), before disclosing personally identifiable information to an entity or individual not authorized to receive it under FERPA. For students who have been determined eligible for Special Education, educational records will be destroyed at the request of the parents when they are no longer needed to provide educational programs or services. The Men[fee County School District may destroy the educational records of a child without parent request three (3) years after they are no longer needed to provide educational programs or services. Parents are advised that data contained in the records may later be needed for Social Security benefits or other purposes. The Men[fee County School District may retain, for an indefinite period of time, a record of the student's name, address, telephone number, grades, attendance records, classes attended, grade level completed, and year completed. Children digible for Special Education include those children with disabilities who have autism, deaf-blindness, developmental delay, emotional-behavior disability, ..... } ........ heanng impairment, mental dlsabihty, multiple dlsabihties, orthopedm lmpmrment, other health impairment, specific learning disability, speech or language impairment, traumatic brain injury, or visual impairment and who because of such an impairment need Special Education services. Children eligible for 504 services include those children in a public elementary and secondary education program who have a current physical or mental impairment that currently substantially limits some major life activity which causes the student's ability to access the school environment or school activities to be substantially limited. Children eligible for the State-Funded Preschool program include three- and four-year- old children identified with disabilities and four-year-old children who are at-risk, as defined by federal poverty levels up to 15o%. Preschool children eligible for special education must have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) instead of a 504 plan to receive State-Funded Preschool program services. The Men[fee County School District has an ongoing "Child Find" system, which is designed to locate, identify and evaluate any child residing in a home, facility, or residence within its geographical boundaries, age three (3) to twenty-one (at) years, who may have a disability and be in need of Special Education or 5o4 services. This includes children who are not in school; those who are in public, private, or home school; those who are highly mobile such as children who are migrant or homeless; and those who are advancing from grade to grade, who may need but are not receiving Special Education or 504 services. The district's "Child Find" systemJfges children with disabilities attending private or home schools within the school disti:iet boundaries wh may need Sial education services. The Menifee County School District will make sure any child enrolled in its district who qualifies for Special Education or 5o4 services, regardless of how severe the disability, is provided appropriate Special Education or 5o4 services at no cost to the parents of the child. Parents, relatives, public and private agency employees, and concerned citizens are urged to help the Men[fee County School District find any child who may have a disability and need Special Education or 5o4 services. The District needs to know the name and age, or date of birth of the child; the name, address, and phone number(s) of the parents or guardian; the possible disability; and other information to determine if Special Education or 5o4 services are needed. Letters and phone calls are some of the ways the Men[fee County School District collects the information needed. The information the school District collects will be used to contact the parents of the child and find out if the child needs to be evaluated or referred for Special Education or 504 services. If you know of a child who lives within the boundaries of the Men[fee County School District, who may have a disability, and may need but is not receiving Special Education or 504 services, please call Dawn Hardeman or send the information to: Director of Special Education Menifee County Schools P.O. Box 110 Frenchburg, KY 40322 Ph. (606) 768-8005 Section 504 Coordinator Menifee County Schools P.O. Box 11o Frenchburg, KY 40322 Ph. (606) 768-8005 If you know of a child who attends a private or home school within the boundaries of the Men[fee County School District, who may have a disability, and may need but is not receiving Special Education services, please call Dawn Hardeman or send the information to: Director of Special Education Menifee County Schools P.O. Box 11o Frenchburg, KY 40322 Phone: (606) 768-8005 "Child Find" activities will continue throughout the school year. As part of these efforts the Men[fee County School District will use screening information, student records, and basic assessment information it collects on all children in the District to help locate those children who have a disability and need Special Education or 5o4 services. Any information the District collects through "Child Find" is maintained confidentially. Written Policies and Procedures have been developed which describe the District's requirements regarding the confidentiality of personally identifiable information and "Child Find" activities. There are copies in the Principal's office of each school, and in the Board of Education office. Copies of these Policies and Procedures may be obtained by contacting: Director of Pupil Personnel district) Menifee County Schools P.O. Box 110 Frenchburg, KY 40322 Phone: (606) 768-8006 The District office is open Monday through Friday, from 8:oo a.m. to 4:oo p.m. The Men[fee County School District provides a public notice in the native language or other mode of communication of the various populations in the geographical boundaries of the District to the extent feasible. If you know of someone who may need this notice translated to another language, given orally, or delivered in some other manner or mode of communication, please contact the Director of Pupil Personnel, the Director of Special Education or the Section 504 Coordinator at the address or phone number listed above for the Men[fee County Schools. Revised March 2011 per KDE