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Bath County News - Outlook
Owingsville, Kentucky
August 16, 2012     Bath County News - Outlook
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August 16, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Bath County News - Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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News Outlook Your Hometown Newspaper August 16, 2012 - 7 COMMUNITY Meet 0wingsville's (temporary)Postmaster MCHS Teacher honored for academic coaching By Cecil Lawson KyNewsGroup Alan Hicks, new interim Postmaster in Owings- ville, took a moment from his busy day for a photo- "graph. Hicks, known as "Styx," is a familiar face in Bath County, having been postmaster in Olympia since 2007 and acting post- master in Salt Lick since 2011. A Rowan County na- tive and son of Bath Coun- ty native Scotfie Hicks, he worked in the post ser- vice in Rowan County for 18 before coming to Bath County. He said that he will serve in this position for 6 to 8 weeks, and then a permanent postmaster will be hired. He added that any postmaster from across the country is eli- gible for the position, and it has had between 40 and 80 applicants so far. Hicks himself has applied for it. "I'd be tickled to death if I got it, but I don't want to get my hopes up," he said. Hayden Collins plays for the 2012 Nothern Cal Ripkin 8U All-Star Team Hayden Collins was a member of the 2012 Northern Cal Ripken 8U All-Star Team in Lexing- ton, Ky. The team played in several tournaments and won the Sandlot Base- ball Throwdown Tour- nament in Athens, Ohio and the Woodford County Summer Slam. They were also the East Kentucky 8U State Champions and were runner-up in the Cal Ripken Ohio Valley Re- gional Tournament in Vin- cennes, Indiana. Hayden is the son of Eric and Lisa Collins of Lexington and the grandson of Delbert and Joyce Anderson of Owingsville. Bath County Senior Citizens Center ment August Wednesday, 22 Monday, 20 Pinto Beans and Ham Hamburger Steak Scalloped Potatoes Mashed Potatoes Broccoli and Cheese Green Beans Sauce Margarine Cornbread Pineapple chunks Margarine Milk Pears Milk Tuesday, 21 Chicken Cacciatorie Thursday, 23 Sphaghetti Pork Cutlet Green Beans Macaroni and Tomatoes Wheat Break Mustard Greens Margarine Cornbread Fruit Cup Margarine Milk Cinnamon Apples Milk 3 1/2 miles SE of Flemingsburg, Ky. on Rt. 32 Fall Bowling Leagues NOW FORMING! • Monday Night Church 6:15 p.m. Sept. 3 • Monday Night Ladies 6:15 p.m. Sept. 3 • Tuesday Night Men's 6:50 p.m. Sept. 4 • Wednesday Morning Glories 9:30 a.m. Aug 29 • Wednesday Night MLxed Le.ague 6:50 p.m. Sept. 5 Thursday Night Mixed League 6:20 p.m. Sept. 6 Saturday Morning Youth League 11:00 a.m. • Monday Industrial League • Tuesday Industrial Le.ague • Thursday Industrial League Now accepting teams, doubles and individual bowlers! Bring o team from workl Only 4 pern teamsl You don't have to be goodt Join the fun...Join this league now! Call TODAY to sign up! 859-498-7755 National B0000Bowl Submitted by Loft Franklin Adam A. Adkins, a teacher at Menifee County High School, was recently presented with the Nation- al Coach of the Year award for the National History Bee and Bowl. Adam has been coaching students at Menifee County High School in both events for two years and has led them to national competi- tion in Washington, D.C. consecutively. Skyler Cantrell, now a Junior at Menifee County High School, was the state .IV champion and made it to Top 10 at Nationals. The Varsity Team was runner-up at State Com- petition. The team mem- bers were: Tyler Wells, Jeremiah Brown, William Roach-Barrette, and Jared Givens. The National History Bee and Bowl were found- ed by Dave Madden in 2010. Madden was the second longest-winning contestant on the game show Jeopardy, competing on the show for 19 straight days in 2005. Pictured above are Adam Adkins (left) with History Bowl and Bee founder and former JEOP- ARDY champion, Dave Madden (righ0, and Sky- ler Cantrell and Madden. Thank- You! The family of Scott Wells would like to thank ev eryone for all the thoughts and prayers during his illness and passing. We want to thank all of the fam- ily and friends for the flowers and donations; they were deeply appreciated. We also thank Anthony Anderson for all of his kind words at the service and Ritchie Hunt for a wonderful service. All his grand- children sent him balloons to heaven for his birth- day on the 12th for all of us to know he is at home now and at peace. PUBLIC NOTICE The Menifee County Fiscal Court proposes to adopt the county's So/id Waste Management Plm updated per 401KAR 49:011 Section 5. The plan, if approved, will serve as the basis for handling solid waste management issues in Menifee County, including the City of Frenchburg for the years 2013-2017. The proposed plan is available for inspection beginning August 21, 2012 at the Menifee County Judge Executive Office, Menifee County Courthouse, 12 Main Street, Frenchburg, KY. Additional information about this plan is available from the Menifee County Solid Waste Coordinator by calling 606-768-3356. Anyone unable to review the plan at the above address may request a copy be mailed to them. Any person wishing to comment on the plan may do so by submitting written comments no later than September 20, 2012 to Menifee County Fiscal Court, PO Box 105, Frenchburg, KY 40322. Any person wishing to be heard at the public hearing must send a written request to the address identified above. A public hearing is scheduled on Friday, September 21, 2012 at 9:00AM to receive public comments on the plan. The hearing will be held in the Menifee County Judge Executive Office, Menifee County Court- house, 12 Main Street, Frenchburg, KY.. However, if no request for punic hearing has been received by September 20, 2012, the hearing will not be held. The Menifee County Fiscal Court will respond to written public comments within 15 days of the dose of the public comment period and will consider the plan for passage at the October 9, 2012 Fiscal Court Meeting. The plan will then be submitted to the Kentucky Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet for review and approval. Published in the Menifee News-Outlook 08.16.12 PUBLIC (LEGAL) NOTICE ADVERTISEMENT MENIEEE COUNTY EMERGENCY PLANNING COMMITTEE Pursuant to Section 324, Title III of the Federal Superfund Amend- ments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986 (PL 99-499), the following information is provided in compliance with the Community Right-to-Know re- quirements of the SARA Law, and the open meetings and open records provisions of Kentucky Revised Statutes. Members of the public may contact the Menffee County Emergency Planning Committee, Michael Bush, Chairman, PO Box 316, Frenchburg, Kentucky 40322 or by calling 606-768-3356. The Menifee County Emergency Planning Committee conducts meetings at Menifee County Fire Department Station 1, 44 McCansey Ridge Road, Frenchburg, Kentucky 40322, or at other locations, in accordance with the Kentucky Open Meetings Law. Members of the Public may request to be notified of regular or special meetings as provided in KRS 61.820 and KRS 61.825. Records of the Planning Committee, including the county emergency response plan, material safety data sheets, and inventory forms, or any follow-up emergency notices as may subsequently be issued, are open for inspection, and members of the public who wish to review these records may do so Monday thru Friday 8AM- 11:00AM Eastern Time, at The Menifee County Emergency Management Office, 12 Main Street, Frenchburg, Kemucky 40322), as required by the Kentucky Open Records Law. The local 24-hour tdephone number for purposes of emergency notification, as required by SARA, is 606-768-9046. Published by the Bath County News Outlook Thomas' 6oth Wedding Anniversary Submitted by Sandy Ross Denver "Dick" and Jean Thomas of Frenchburg cel. ebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on July21, 2012 with a large gathering of friends and family. They were married on July 19, 1952. Pictured are Jean and Dicl with their great-grandchildren. Ct-I!00STIAN V/gLUES Books. Jewelry. Gifts• • All items priced below retail value. 116 Clark St. Flemingsburg Located in Fleming Mall Between Total Care &Kens Thurs-Sat. 9am-5pm is needing volunteers. Those interested should contact Will Pope, Crime Watch Supervisor, at 768-3144 or 859-585-3784. 00J6int DO6HOUSES00WN FURN00RE/CHICKEN COOPSI TRUE BUILT BARNS Sign up for SimpleSaver and pocket the rewards. We will credit your bill up to $20 annually for each central air conditioner you enroll. Sign up your 40-gallon or greater electric water heater and receive an additional $10 annual credit. In exchange, we install a switch to cycle the units briefly when )eaks. SimpleSaver... saving rewardin