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8, August-16/2012 .... Your.Hometown Newspaper News Outlook
]all bi!! hits $40,000 again KSP arrest two from Sharpsburg
jail Charges come from pris- tance of a resinate of $4792 on drug charges
By Cecil oners in Circuit Court. from Humana insurance.
KyNewsGroup Copher said that it would Copher said that this is
Bath County's jail bill has
reached over $40,000 again,
according to county trea-
surer Doug Copher.
Copher pointed this out
during the regular meeting
of the Bath County Fiscal
Court on Thursday morn-
ing during his report on the
county's bills for the previ-
ous month.
Copher said that the jail
bill was over $41,000. He
said that the county had
been charged for holding
up to 38 inmates a day. "It
blew me away," Copher
Most of the charges
came from the Montgom-
ery County Regional Jail,
which holds prisoners for
Bath County at a contracted
rate of $35 a day.
He said that one prisoner
was held by the Bourbon
County Detention Center
for 2 to 3 months, because
the court was wailing for
test results.
The contract with the
Montgomery County Jail
was renewed by fiscal court
members in April, which co-
incided with a monthly bill
at the time of $44,000.
Judge Executive Low-
ell Jamison said, 'The jail
bill has doubled in the two
years of my term."
Monthly jail bills for Bath
County have been averaged
around 830,009 for 2012.
Neighboring Menifee and
Nicholas Counties have
had similarly high jail bills.
Menifee has had to trans-
port its prisoners, to the
Woodford County Deten-
tion Center until it brings
its own $150,000 bill at the
Montgomery County jail
under control.
County attorney Leslie
Smith said that she would
talk with the Common-
wealth's Attorney and re-
quest that cases be moved
more quickly through Dis-
trict Court. She also noted,
however, that most of the
be informative to look at the
separate charges coming
from both District Court
and Circuit Court prison-
Smith also said that she
would talk with local law
enforcement officials about
which people need to be ar-
rested and which just need
to be cited, in order to cut
down on the number of pris-
oners in jail.
Smith said, "This is kill-
ing US."
In another matter, attor-
ney Smith reported to court
members about a class ac-
tion lawsuit to which Bath
County has been asked to
become a party.
The suit has been brought
against the Mortgage Elec-
tronic Registration System,
Inc. which Smith said, was
created in the 1990s in or-
der to help mortgage com-
panies bypass filing costs
with county clerks' offices.
MERS also helped finan-
cial companies to facilitate
the trade in bank promisso-
ry notes, which fueled the
real estate boom and bust
in 2008.
Smith noted that, be-
cause of MERS, 6 property
transfers in the county went
unrecorded. She also said
that the state of Kentucky
has lost an estimated $32
million in recording fees.
Smith said that 43 county
attorneys in Kentucky have
so far joined in the lawsuit.
She said that the law
firm representing the case
would take a 25% recovery
fee and that the settlement,
if the case was won, would
be proportionately shared.
She recommended that
the county join the lawsuit.
'They - the banks - are
just circmnventing the law,"
Smith said.
Court members unani-
mously approved the coun-
ty joinling the suit.
In other business, court
- approved the accep-
Sbarpsburg native named
KSP Post 8 Commander
Effective August 16,
2012, Captain Brian Bowl-
hag will be the latest Post
Commander to be as-
signed to the Kentucky
State Police Post 8. His
will be transferring from
his duties as the Legisla-
tive Security Branch Com-
mander of the Facility
Security Branch. Captain
Bowling has an impres-
sive 19 years of service
with Kentucky State Po-
lice. Upon his graduation
from the KSP Academy
in September 1993, he
was assigned to Post 8,
Morehead until Septem-
ber 2003. He continued
to serve at area Posts to
include Post 6, Dry Ridge
and Post 1, Mayfield as
well as a term with the
Executive Security Detail,
Internal Affairs and the
Legislative Branch.
Captain Bowling gradu-
ated from the Bath County
High School in 1989 and
from Eastern Kentucky
University in 2002. He
currently resides with his
wife Becky and daughter
Ashley in Fleming County.
Due to the proposed construction of the Frenchburg-West Liberty Rd (US 460)
pro)ect officially designated as FD52 083 6169401R ; STPS 406-2, Menifee County,
Item No. 10 - 117.01, the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Transportation Cabinet,
Department of Highways deems it necessary to remove and relocate the unknown
cemetery which is located along US 460 approximately 2.4 miles southeast of
Frenchburg. The said cemetery, which date is unknown, is on the current right of
way fronting property previously owned by Mr. Grover Abney and designated as
Parcel 35 on the official plans. Said cemetery is approximately 10' x 10' and may
contain an estimated 1 to 2 graves, all of which are unmarked and unidentified, all
of which will be affected by the project. Anyone having knowledge of the cemetery,
such as the names of persons buried there or their next of kin are requested to
contact Logan Lovely, Division of Right of Way, Jackson, ICY 41339. The telephone
number is (606) 666-8841.
Published in the Bath County News Outlook on 06.28.2012
TJ's Services
Framing - Co - Conoele -
Garages - Pole Barns- Room
Additions - Roofing - Siding- Block - Brick
and Stone
Tony Jarrell, Owner
because health care costs
were down for Bath Coun-
ty employees in 2011. 33
county employees will re-
ceive a $145.33 rebate from
last year's insurance premi-
- approved the first read-
hag of a budget amendment
for the 2012-13 county bud-
get, reflecting carryovers
from the previous fiscal
year, the $4792 rebate, and
$31,000 in truck licenses for
the county;
approved the 2012-13
budgets for the Bath Sanita-
tion District, Gateway Area
Development District, Bath
County Memorial Library,
and Salt Lick Creek Water-
shed Conservation District;
- voted to keep the same
the county's motor vehicle
and watercraft tax. Copher
noted to court members
that this would have been
a good opportunity to in-
crease the tax, because if
the economy gets better,
people would trade in ve-
hicles more, and this would
generate more county rev-
- tabled a resolution to
request construction of a
Veteran's Administration
hospital facility in Prestons-
- approved a contract with
DC Elevator to conduct
a safety test of the court-
house's elevator;,
- approved the naming
of secretary Ann Lykes as
Federal Emergency Man-
agement Agency applicant
agent for Bath County;
- heard a report on the
Bath County Transfer Sta-
tion from Copher. The sta-
tion has $6000 in dumping
costs, but took in $6770 in
fees, had $5880 in carry-
over from last year, and had
$6400 in franchise fees.
Because Copher is at-
tending a meeting, the next
meeting of the Bath County
Fiscal Court has been re-
scheduled for Tuesday,
September 11, at 9 a.m.
Your •
Teleseminars For Your
Oltimal Health - Regain-
ing Your Health 1 Hour at
a Time!
Jimmy E. Burgess Kevin Wells
photos courtesy of Montgomery County Regional Jail
On Saturday afernoon,
August 11, Trooper Anson
Tribby was on routine pa-
trol in Sharpsburg when
he observed a suspicious
parked vehicle at the in-
tersection of Ky. 11 and
Ky. 36. The vehicle was
occupied by Jimmy E. Bur-
gess, 61 and Kevin Wells,
36 both of Sharpsburg.
After further investiga-
tion both subjects were ar-
rested. Jimmy E. Burgess
has been charged with
Operating a Motor Vehicle
Under the Influence of
Alcohol/Drugs/Ect. .08
1st offense, Possession
of Controlled Substance
1st Degree (Cocaine),
Drug Paraphernalia, and
Tampering with Physical
Evidence. Kevin Wells has
been charged with Public
Intoxication, Possession of
Controlled Substance 1st
Degree (Cocaine), Drug
Paraphernalia, and Tam-
pering with Physical Evi-
Both subjects were
lodged at the Montgomery
County Detention Center.
The incident remains un-
'der the investigation of
Trooper Anson Tribby.
Olympia man injure,] in Menifee County
Early Saturday morning,
August 11, Kentucky State
Police Morehead Post was
notified by Menifee County
Dispatch of a single vehicle
injury accident on Ky. 1274
in Menifee County. Troop-
er Jason Brown responded
to the scene.
Cody Willoughby, 22
of Olympia, was traveling
west on Ky. 1274 when he
failed to negotiate a curve.
Mr. Willoughby left the
roadway and struck a tree
where he came to final rest.
Willoughby had to be ex-
tricated from the vehicle.
Mr. Willoughby was then
transported to St. Claire
Medical Center in More
head by Menifee County
EMS for non life-threaten-
. • o °
nag injuries.
The accident remains un-
der investigation by Troop
er Jason Brown.
Salt Lick woman injured in alcohol:
related accident on 1-64
Early Friday morning,
August 10, Kentucky State
Police in Morehead was
notified by Trooper Jason
Brown that he was respond-
ing along with Bath County
Sheriff's Department to an
injury accident at the 119
mile marker on 1-64.
Mary D. Walden, 20 of
Salt Lick, was operaimg a
1999 Chevrolet Blazer west-
bound on 1-64 when she lost
control, striking the guard-
rail on the right side of her
Ms. Walden's vehicle
spun clockwise causing her
to strike the guardrail on
the left side. Ms. Walden's
vehicle continued sliding
into the median where the
vehicle caught fire and
came to a final rest facing
Ms. Walden was Wans-
ported from the scene to
Saint Joseph Hospital in
Mount Sterling by Bath
County Emergency Medi
cal Service.
Alcohol is believed to be
a factor.
Ms. Walden was dted fol
Operating Motor Vehicle
Under the Influence Al
cohol/Drugs/Etc. 1st Of.
The accident remains un-
der investigation by Troop
er Jason Brown.
Public Announcement- Energy/Fuel Vendors Needed for LINEAP
As winter approaches, parficipati g as an En- Montgomery County 859-
Gateway Community Ac-
tion will'begin the Low In-
come Home Energy Assis-
tance Program (L1HEAP),
The Subsidy Program will
run from approximately
November 1, 2012 through
December 14, 2012. The
Crisis Program will pos-
ergy/Fuel Vendor for LI-
HEAP needs to contact
their local Outreach Of-
fice for more information
and to obtain a Vendor
Agreement Packet. Bath
.County 606-674-2502, Me-
nifee County 606-768-2369,
498-5345, Morga County
606-743-3133 o Rowan
County 606:784-7735.
All Vendor Agreements
are due back to Gateway
CAA's central office by
September 7, 2012 for pro-
Credible, scientific-
based easy to understand
information from the field
of Naturopathic Medicine.
Sign up now for free tele-
seminars on holistic health
and wellness topics. Sup-
plement Basics, Aug 30,
2:00 - 3:00 PM CST. Journ-
aling For Health 101, Date:
Sept 4, 7:30 - 8:30 PM CST
To register, visit www.
sibly run from January 3,
2013 through March 31,
• 2013 or until depletion of
funds, whichever comes
first. The Crisis Program
may not be funded and will
be determined at a later
date. LIHEAP is a state-
wide initiative sponsored
by Community Action
Kentucky in partnership
with the Cabinet for Health and Family Services.
Anyone in
CALL FOR A FREE QUOTE 1-877-845-8408
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Ca today to find out rrre ifor '
. Pat K. Letcher
Field Representative
Phone 859-473-0414
N Bath County/' ! /
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