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Bath County News - Outlook
Owingsville, Kentucky
August 16, 2012     Bath County News - Outlook
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August 16, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Bath County News - Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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News Outlook Your Hometown Newstraper COURT NEWS • "August 16, 2012 -9 Bath County Courtroom 1 Hon. Don Blair Carrie Ann Dunn. Art. 1 Failure to register trans- fer of motor vehicle. Proof produced. 12mos diver- sion William R Evans. Art. 1 Hindering prosecution or apprehension-2nd degree. Appt Charles Landon, p n/g, wfr, pc 8/28/12 at 10am Carter D Kincaid. Art. 1 No/expired Kentucky registration receipt. Proof produced, dismiss per lo- cal rule. 2 No/expired • registration plates. 3 Fail- ure to produce insurance card. Proof produced after citation date, 24mos diver- sion Rodney L Parker. Arr. 1 Theft by deception-in- clude cold checks u/$500. Cont arr 10/9/12 at 9am. 2 Theft by deception-in- clude cold checks u/$500. 3 Theft by deception-in- clude cold checks u/8500. 4 Theft by deception-in- clude cold checks u/$500 Rodney L Parker. Arr. 1 Theft by deception-in- clude cold checks u/$500. Cont arr 10/9/12 at 9am. 2 Theft by deception-in- clude cold checks u/$500. 3 Theft by deception-in- clude cold checks u/$500. 4 Theft by deception-in- clude cold checks u/$500 Stephen Lewis Payne. Arr. 1 Alcohol intoxica- tion in a public place-lst &amp; 2nd. P/G, $25 fine & costs, warned of enhance- ment Pamela S Purvis. Arr. 1 ailure to produce insur- ance card. Proof filed, dm effect on date of citation, dismissed per local rule. 2 Failure to notify address change to Dept of Transp. Proof filed, dismiss per lo- cal rule Lee A Reese. Art. 1 Failure to wear seat belts. Cont to 8/28/12 at 9am, to provide proof of license. 2 Instructional permit viola- tions Kylia Richards. Arr. 1 Failure of owner to main- rain required insurance/ security 1st. Produced & effect after citation date, 24mos diversion. 2 Failure to register transfer of mo- tor vehicle. Valid rifle pro- duced, 24mos diversion Kylia A Richards. Art. 1 No/expired Kentucky registration receipt. Proof produced, dismiss per lo- cai rule. 2 No/expired registration plates. Proof produced, dismiss per lo- cal rule. 3 Failure of own- er to maintain required insurance/security 1st. Proof produced, not in effect at time of citation, 24mos diversion. 4 Failure to register transfer of mo- tor vehicle. Valid tire pro- duced, 24mos diversion William E Ritchie. Oh. 1 Failure to wear seat belts. Dismiss w/warning. 2 Operating on suspended/ revoked operators license. P/G, 90 days, p/s 2yrs on terms nvl, waived rt to atty. 3 License to be in pos- session. Merge w/#2 Alex E Slone. Reset. Sustained, order to be ten- dered by Dpa. 1 Convicted felon in possession of a firearm. 2 Convicted felon in possession of a firearm. 3 Carrying a concealed deadly weapon Tabitha Smith. Arr. 1 No operators/moped license. Cont to 10/23/12 at 9am for valid lic. 2 Failure to produce insurance card Samantha Xiflama. Arr. 1 Speeding 5mph over limit. 6mos diversion. 2 Failure to notify address change to Dept of Transp. Proof produced, dismissed per local rule Daniel W Darnell. Arr. 1 Alcohol intoxication in a public place-lst & 2nd. P/G, $25 fine & costs. 2 Theft by unlawful taking/ disp-shoplifting. P/G, 30 days p/s 2yrs on no viol of law Floyd Curtis McCray. Oh. '1 Operating on sus- pended/revoked opera- tors license. Waived rt to atty, p/g, 90 days p/s 2yrs on terms nvl. Costs ordered -Christopher W Mead- ows. Oh. 1 Alcohol intoxi- cation in a public place-lst & 2nd. P/G, $25 fine & costs, warned of enhance- ment Chris D Riley. Art. 1 Alcohol intoxication in a public place-lst & 2nd. C. Landon appt. P n/g, wit, ph 8/14/12 at 10:30am. 2 Flagrant non support. Bond $500 cash to be ap- plied to cs Timothy P Waiters, Jr. Art. 1 Assault 4th degree domestic violence no vis- ible injury. C Landon appt, pc 8/14/12 at 10am. 2 Pub- lic intoxication controlled subs (excludes alcohol) Carey Stump, et al VS Keith Davis, et al. Court trial. K Davis served fta, testimony taken. Acknowl- edged that deposit was not paid, finding for plaintiff in the amount of $2,496. Dina N Carpenter. Ptc. 1 Assault 4th degree do- mestic violence no visible injury. 24mos diversion on terms, approved by cw Michael Carpenter. Ptc. 1 Assault 4th degree do- mestic violence minor in- jury. 24mos diversion on terms, approved by cw Steven Ray Crouch. Ptc. 1 Theft by unlawful taking/disp-shoplifting. Cont pc 10/2/12 at 10am. 2 Public intoxication con- trolled subs (excludes al- cohol) Steven Ray Crouch. Ptc. 1 Operating on suspend- ed/revoked operators , license. Cont pc 10/2/12 at 10am. 2 No/expired registration plates. 3 Fail- tire of owner to maintain required insurance/secu- rity 1st Joetta Little. Ptc. 1 As- sault 4th degree domes- tic violence minor injury. P/G, 12mos cts 8 days, bal, p/s 2yrs on cond no nvl, no cont/comm w/ victim & not to be in home of vicitm. Warned of en- hancement. Ct costs. 2 Terroristic threatening, 3rd degree. P/G, 12mos, cts 8 days Sherry Lewis Martin. Ptc. 1 Theft by unlawful taking/disp-shoplifting. Cont pc 10/2/12 at 10am, Def to be in rehab or on lists for rehab. 2 Public in- toxication controlled subs (excludes alcohol) Delorace H Muncie. Ptc. 1 Failure to register transfer of motor vehicle. P/G, $100 fine. 2 Possess- ing license when privleges are revoked/sus. P/G, $100 fine. 3 Poss cont sub, 2nd degree-drug unspeci- fied. Dismissed, valid prescription produced. 4 Controlled substance pre- scription not in orig con- tainer 1st. P/G, 90 days, p/s 2yrs on terms, nvl, no out of state Rx's. warned of enhancement Morgan C Ripley. Ptc. 1 Alcohol intoxication in a public place-lst & 2nd. Pc 9/11/12 at 10am. 2 Flee- ing or evading police, 2nd degree (on foot). 3 Disor- derly conduct, 2nd degree Jeffery S Robbins. Ptc. 1 Cultivate in marijuana-<5 plants-lst offense. P/G, pursuant to NC V Alford, sent 12mos, cts 3 days, bal, p/s 2yrs on terms nvl, no illegal drugs no out oI state Rx. Warned of en- hancement Drive Sober or G,et PuIi00 Over If you drink and drive in Bath County beware, Keen Johnson, Common- wealth Attorney is join- hag with law enforcement throughout the nation for the "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" campaign August 17 to September 3, 2012. The strong nationwide impaired driving crack- down will include high- visibility enforcement, high-profiles events, and will be supported by na- tional paid advertising, creating a comprehensive campaign to curb alcohol impaired driving in Au- gust and through, Labor Day holiday weekend (6pm Sept. 3-5:59am Sept. 7). All Law Enforcement Agencies will be aggres- sively looking for im- paired drivers during the crackdown and will arrest anyone caught driving im- paired. It is illegal in all 50 states, the District of Co- lumbia and Puerto Rico to drive with a blood al- cohol concentration of .08 grams per deciliter. De- spite these laws, in 2010 more than I0,000 people died in crashes in which a driver or motorcycle rider was impaired. "On average there is onealcohol impaired driv- ing-related fatality every 51 minutes across Ameri- ca. But this tragic loss of life can be reduced if we get impaired drivers off our roadways," said Chief Prosecutor Keen John- son. "Research has shown that high-visibility en- forcement like the 'Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over' campaign reduces alco- hol-impaired driving fa- OVER 9O TO CHOOSE! Cab'n Chassis talities by as much as 20 percent. By joining this nationwide effort, we will make Bath County road- ways safer for everyone throughout the Labor Day period." During the Labor Day weekend in 2010, 147 people were killed in mo- tor vehicle traffic crash- es involving drivers on motorcycle riders with BAC's of .08 or higher. Of those fatalities, 80 percent occurred from 6pm to 5:59am. Among 18 - to 34-year- old drivers killed in mo- tor vehicle traffic crashes during the 2010 Labor Day weekend, 54 percent were alcohol-impaired. "Obviously we want to remind everyone that it is illegal to drive impaired, and we hope the cam- paign will remind people that if they plan on drink- ing, to never get behind the wheel," said Sheriff John ruffy" Snedegar. "But if someone does choose to drive impaired, we will arrest them. No warnings. No excuses." According to Owings- ville Chief of Police Todd Tout, violators face jai: time, loss of their drivel licenses, and steep fi nancial consequence., such as higher insurance rates, attorney fees, courl costs, lost time at work and the potential loss ol job. When family, friends and co-workers find out violators also often face tremendous personal em barrassment. "Driving impaired is simply not worth the risk So don't take the chance so 'Drive Sober or Gel Pulled Over", said Policc Chief Tout. VVondering what m do with your money? Consider the Enhancer. V',tocal  e World's Modred Endov,t Un Ufe Ie, Enhanc= may help you .protect ycJr  as weil your fa00s • Your   m, accun-,Jlate fas than in a CD • r b tax.d until received • The demb benef i tor INm,4kry    is ustal:e L:4"e insurare is not  +n New Yo Tys of Urwers,d Life availabl Adjustable ( I 0 I--9203 & lot ..0707) Bexe (F(w,n 150-xx-9203 & 150--0707) CDO491WP'.,W g/(B Pat K. Letcher Field Representative  ei - e: Phone 859-473'0414