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Bath County News - Outlook
Owingsville, Kentucky
August 16, 2012     Bath County News - Outlook
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August 16, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Bath County News - Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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10 - August 16, 2012 Your Hometown Newspaper News Outlook MEMORY LANE August 14, 1941 Brown Novelty Company, brary Board issued a the fiscal court and the lo- day on the Tom Evans passing and running to Cincinnati, for all amuse- statement: 'q'he Bath cal school board. Farm across from the new roll over the Lions 25-6 in ments and concessions. County Library Board On the eve of the na- bridge at Flat Creek. the second game of the an- The Owingsville and has unanimously voted to tion's 200th anniversary, nual Grid-o-Rama at MSU. Jennings Crouch of White Sulfur, tliis county, filed suit in the Bath Cir- cuit Court here today through his attorneys, James C. Clay, Morehead, and J. A. Richards, Ow- ingsville, seeking person- al damages ag ".ainst Byram Rafliff of Sharpsburg to the extent of 820,035 for bodily injuries and disfig- urements, which Crouch alleges he sustain at the hands of Ratllff in a fight on the Sharpsburg road on July 29. The Bath County Fair Board made a decision Tuesday to hold their fair here on September 18th, 19th, and 20th. Reverting to the old custom in vogue before the Dillin era, the fair this year will be held in the center of town and will be operated on a non-prof- it basis. Arrangements have been made, County Agent Joe R. Thompson said Wednesday, to hold the fair partly in the court house, partly in the old school building and yard and in the street between the court house and old school property. A con- tract has been signed with Mt. Sterling baseball dedicate the Bath County Richard M. Nixon became teams played 12 innings Library as a memorial the first U. S. President to of ball Sunday, and it fin- to the young men of the resign his post when, at ished in a 11 to 11 tie, and county who served in the 8 p.m. Thursday, he went was called on account of Armed Forces during on national television to darkness. Owingsville WWI, WWII, The Koi-ean announce that he would will journey to Beattyville War, and those serving in quit the free world's most Saturday to play in the dis- Viet Nam." powerful office effective trict tournament against An opening date for at noon on Friday. Booneville. Bath County schools was announced this week by Supt. Glenmore Hogge. Mr. Hogge said all schools were slated to open on Thursday, August 25. August 12, 1965 Ground was formally broken Saturday, marking the beginning of construc- tion of the $35 million Cave Run reservoir, while will impound the four largest body of water in Kentucky. Dignitaries on hand were Rep. Carl Per- kins, Sen. John Sherman Cooper, Brig. Gen. Walter Leber of the U. S. Corps of Engineers, Cincinnati District; Steve Wakefield of the State Division of Water Resources; Col. William Roper, Louisville Corps of Engineers office; H. L. Brewer, represent- ing the contractor; and Dr. Adron Doran, Morehead College president. The Bath County Li- NUCLEAR P()WER TRAINEE JOIN THE NAVY POSITIONS AVAILABLE Career with potential Paid top-notch training Money for College Medical and Dental benefits provided 30 days paid vacation yearly Must be H.S. Grad or GED 15 College Credits Ages 17-34 Navy CALL 1-800-282-1384 or EMAIL us at Jobs J "4 B, Jig August 15, 1974 Beleaguered mem- bers of the Bath County School Board pondered hiring and improvement problems, received five different delegations, ac- cepted bids and otherwise struggled through a 29- item agenda during their regular August meeting that lasted until 11 p.m. A tax assessment for Bath Counfians that jumped from $41 million in 1973 to $60 million in this year of 1974, has been the cause of considerable headaches to members of August 19, 1982 Bethel's 19 firemen, who had threatened to quit if the fire district proposal was not adopted to provide them better equipment, did just that after the Bath County Fis- cal Court turned down forming the district last Wednesday. Coach Gary Ramey was generally pleased with his Wildcats' showing at the Grid-o-Rama Friday night at East Carter, but the team has a long way to go before it is ready for the opener at Fairview August 27. The Wildcats defeated Fleming County in the scrimmage, 8 to 6. Cub Scout Pack 222 will have their summer hike and cookout this Satur- Grass Carp To place an order call 1-800-247-2615 www Farleys Arkansas Pondstockers Inc • Amish Shop Now Open E & E Metal Roofing & Sidincj 661 Mt. Sterling Rd.-(Tilton Ra.) Flemingsburg, ICY' 41041 We make roofing to your length 15 diff. colors, 28 and 29 gauge, #1 40 year warranty at $1.85 L/E#1 Galvalume 1.50 L/F All trims to your needs, made in our shop. Plus nails and screws. Ph. 1-606-849-8620 Leave a message, we'll get back to you as soon as we can. August 16, 1990 Bath County taxpayers will pay the same property school tax as last year, but will be paying a 3% utility tax to meet the basic pro- gram requirements and facilities support program of the new state education reform law. This was ap- proved 4 to 1 at the regu- lar August meeting of the Bath County Board of Education, with Bob Hunt casting the no vote. The Bath County Fiscal Court changed the charg- es at the county waste dis- posal station at its meeting Monday and also eliminat- ed the practice of allow- ing charge accounts for those using the station. The new charges are $1 a car, $5 a pickup load, and $10 for pickup trucks with racks, effective Sept. 1 After a scrimmage with Fairview the week be- fore when the Wildcats of Coach Gary Ramey ripped the host team, Bath Coun- ty showed Lewis County also wasn't on the same level. The Cats used both August 16, 2001 State Senator Dale Shrout, D - Mt. Sterling, resigned from the State Senate on Friday, Augns| 10, to become the ne Commissioner of the Ken. tucky Department of Ve hicle Regulation. Shrou| served as Senator of the 28th District, which in- cludes Bath, Clark, Estiall, Fleming, Montgomery and Powell counties, since 1999. The' torrential rainfalls that occurred last Friday night were the cause of a bridge being washed away on Naylor Road down to the KY 111 bridge, where it finally came to rest. Rain measurement in Owings. ville was 2.14" but large quantities of rain, up to 6", were reported throughou! the county. The Bath County Girls High School Soccer team traveled to Frankfort oyez the weekend to play West- ern Hills at the Frankfort Soccerama. They defeat- ed Western Hills 6-1. Left: Daniei Williams pressures the quarterback for Greenup in the first half. Right: Brandon Price turns the run after the catch into the 2nd Wildcat touchdown of the night. Bath won the Grid-a-rama scrimmage with Gree- nup County 17-14. , Send your news and I • photos to I 3863 West Highway €,  Brick ranch with 3 bedrooms and 1 bath on 5 Laura I acre lot. All electric. New metal roof in 2010. Jackson [ Large covered deck, perfect for entertaining. 7€7 70t"( [ n Just nfinutes from Mt. ding. $69,9fl0, Call - ] I Lama 8$9.70"/-72N. 270 East Water St. Flemingsburg, KY 41041 606-845-9771 Free Estimates Large Selection David and Lisa Hook, Owners Serving All Your Insurance Needs Life * Home * Auto • Business (606) 784-7164 Jack Roe, LUTC 333 W. First St. (606) 784-6446 Horehead, Ky. BET MORE FOR II II ,OOO READERS Covering Bath, Flemix00_, Menifee, Nicholas and Robertson Counties We olrIx iBrmxp pmllp mtlm thwill youmoneyl  oux Ibm z11pmIeabiI3ue lmdI7 for 1 • Jeremiah, 859-473-4465 J