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Bath County News - Outlook
Owingsville, Kentucky
August 16, 2012     Bath County News - Outlook
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August 16, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Bath County News - Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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12 -August 16, 2012 Your Hometown Newspaper News Outlook COMMUNITY CALENDAR BATH DRUG & ALCOHOL SUPPORT MEETING Salt Lick Free Will Baptist Church. Maple/ Water Streets, Salt Lick, KY. Winter - Tuesday & Thursday 7:30 p. m. Open meeting. Public Welcome. Share your ex- perience & help us stay Clean & Sober. Mike M (606) 336-2602. CELEBRATE RECOVERY Celebrate Recovery will be held at Owings- ville United Methodist Church. Every Sunday, 6p.m. LIVING FREE Living Free depen- dency classes. New Life Fellowship. Wednesday, 6p.m. MOORES FERRY PAY LAKE The Moores Ferry Pay Lake on Hwy. 211 North is now open for busi- ness under new owner- ship. The lake has been stocked and is ready for everyone to come out and enjoy fishing! BATH COUNTY FIS- CAL COURT holds its regular meet- ing on the second Thurs- day of the month at the Court House Annex at 10 a.m. BATH COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION holds its regular monthly meeting on the fourth Tuesday of the month at the Board Office Annex at 7 p.m. Working session starts at 5:30 a.m. at the Board Of- fice conference room. SHARPSBURG C1TY COUNCIL holds its regular monthly meeting on the first Monday of the month at Sharpsburg City Hall at 7 p. m. SALT LICK CITY COUNCIL holds its regular monthly meeting on the first Tuesday of the month at the Salt Lick Volunteer Fire Depart- ment at 6 p.m. OWINGSVILLE CITY COUNCIL holds its regular monthly meeting on the second Tuesday of the monthat Owingsville City Hall at 7 p.m. PRODUCE AUCTION The Bath County Pro- duce Auction is held ev- ery Monday and Thurs- day evening at 6 p.m., behind the Extension Office and Ag Education Center under the giant green hoop barn on 2419 East U. S. 60. Produce in all quantities sold to the highest bidder. Call 606- 336-0103 for more infor- marion. FARMER'S MARKET The Bath County Farmer's Market begins every Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday morning at 8 a.m., held under the giant green hoop barn behind the Bath County Cooperative Extension Office and the Ag Educa- tion Center on 2419 East U. S. 60. For more infor- marion, call 606-674-6121 AGRICULTURE FIELD DAY The Bath County Agri- cultural Field Day will be held Thursday, August 16th at Stanley Willough- by's Farm located on Howards Mill Road. Reg- istration will begin at 5:00 PM with the program to follow at 5:30 PM. A din- ner sponsored by Farm Credit Services, Owings- ville Banking Company, The Salt Lick Deposit Bank and The Citizens Bank, will be held. To help plan for the meal we ask that you call the Bath County Extension Office at 606-674-6121 by August 15th and register. HORSE SHOW The Eastern Kentucky Quarter Horse Show Association will have a horse show, Aug. 17 - 19, at the Owingsville Lions Club Park, Kendall Springs Rd. AQHA and KQHA Approved Quar- ter Horse Show. For more information contact Leslie Fluhr at 502-551- 7955. FARM BUREAU AN- NUAL MEETING Bath County Farm Bu- reau will hold its Annual Meeting and Dinner on Saturday, September 22 at 6:30 p.m. at the Bath County Agriculture Mar- kefing and Education Center. This meeting is for Farm Bureau mem- ' ' bers. ANTIQUE SHOW The Bath County His- torical Society is holding an Antique Show and Sale on Sunday, October 7, 2012, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Dealers of fine an- tiques and collectibles on the lawns of 274 and 250 West Main Street, Ow- ingsville. For more infor- marion, call 606-782-3240 or email bathcountyhis- HOMECOMING City of Refuge Church, Olympia, will be having Homecoming, Sunday, Aug. 19, at 11 a.m., fea- turing the Barrett Family Singers and Evangelist Rex Templeton. Pastor Mike Munday and con- gregation invite every- one. Meal will follow service. PRESTON COURT DAYS, OCTOBER 12-15 MENIFEE CELEBRATE RECOV- ERY Celebrate Recovery at Botts Christian Church, every Monday, 7 p. m.. For more information, call 859-585-8688 or 606- 768-8011. FRENCHBURG CITY COMMISSION holds its regular monthly meeting on the first Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the Clark Energy Building. MENIFEE COUNTY FISCAL COURT holds its regular monthly meeting on the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Court House. MENIFEE COUNTY JOB CLUB Job Clubs of Eastern Kentucky is sponsoring a weekly Job Club, Thurs- days, 1 p.m. at the Gate- way Community Action office in the Clark Ener- gy Building, Frenchburg. New member orientation is at 12:30. Meet weekly with a small group of job seekers and workforce professionals to gain a competitive edge in to- day's tough job market. For more information, call 606-768-2369. SHIRRS OF FRENCHBURG Cruise-In Schedule August 18, Sept. 15 (Menifee Co. Reunion), and Oct. 20 Downtown French- burg, 6-9 p.m. - For more info call Don Smith, 606- 768-2273 or 606-247-3148; Mark Williams, 606-768- 9506; or Rick Conway, 859-473-0062 RED RIVER WATER- SHED The Red River Water- shed Team will meet in Frenchburg on August 30 at the Menifee Coun- ty Extension Office at 6 p.m. The Extension Office is located at 140 Main Street Frenchburg, KY. Everyone is welcome, especially our Menifee County fliends!! The meeting will be a review of what we have done so far, including a review of the data collected. We would also like to discuss possible outreach activi- ties like a creek cleanup or creek walk. PRAYER MEETING Cry Out America! Sep- tember 11, 2012. Join at the Menifee County Courthouse promptly at noon. There is only one remedy for our nation - Jesus. Sponsored by Cry Out Kentucky. THE 9TH ANNUAL PRAYER WALK FOR MENIFEE COUNTY SCHOOLS will be held next Thursday, August 23rd on the campuses of MCES, MCHS and Botts Elementary. The meet- ing time for Frenchburg will be at 3:25 around the flagpole in front of MCES. Botts will meet at 3:45 in front of the school. Everyone is welcome. AREA EVENTS SMALL TOWN AMER- ICAN AL Small Town Ameri- can Festival in Mt. Ster- ling, Saturday, Aug. 18. 5K run/walk, Arts and Crafts Festival, Cornhole Tournament, Car Show, Ale 8 One Talent Show- case and Contest, Rec- reation Bowl. Find out more and register for all the fun events at www. or call 866415-7439 GATEWAY SPECIAL OLYMPICS 10th Annual Car, Truck, Tractor, and M0- torcycle Show, August 18, 2012. Downtown Mt. Sterling. Gates open at 8:30 a. m., registration from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Other events scheduled include a 5K Run/Walk, Arts and Crafts Festival, Talent Showcase, Corn- hole Tournament, Food, Raffles, Goody Bags, Door Prize, and Music. Free to the public. For more information call David Catchings, 859- 498-9874 or 859-398-5355. WELCOME HOME VIETNAMF VETERANS CELEBRATION Aug. 18 and 19, AmVets Post 67 and Clay City Park, in Clay City. Spon- sored by Task Force Omega of Ky. and Am- Vets Post 67 Clay City. Starts Saturday with tal- ent show at noon, live music, 50/50 drawing, auction, candle light cer- emony, and Poker Run on Sunday. For more information call Mark Hawkins, 859-339-7687 or Mike Curtis 606-663-0125 SMALL BUSINESS WORKSHOP Morehead State Uni- versity's East Kentucky Small Business Develop- ment Center will offer a free "Starting a Small Business" workshop on Thursday, Aug. 23, at the Morehead SBDC office, located at 150 East First Street, from 5-7 p.m. The event is designed for people who have thought about starting a business or who have al- ready started a business and need guidance and support. To register, visit www. or contact Mark Murphy at 606- 783-2895 or by email to m.murphy@morehead- POPPY MOUNTAIN BLUEGRASS - VAL Sept. 11 - 15 20th Anniversary Year Located at Poppy Mountain, 3715 U. S. 60 East, Morehead For information on scheduled performers, ticket prices, and lodg- ing, call 1-606-784-2277 (office), 1-606-780-4192 (campground), or email You can also check out the website, http://www. poppymountainblue- the Face- book page, http://www.facebook. com/PoppyMountain- Bluegrass SIINT AUCTION/ BENEFIT FOR TOM HOSTRANDER AND FAMILY Saturday, Sept. 22, at 1 p.m. at the Farmer's Christian Church, 100 Ky. 801 South, More- head, 40351 Meal: sphaghetti, sal- ad, garlic bread, drink, and dessert for 86 a plate. Tom has been diag- nosed with throat cancer and will undergo treat- ments that will last ap- prox.. 6-8 weeks, travel- ing to Lexington five days a week. All proceeds will be used for transporta- tion, medical expenses, and living expenses for the family. To make a do- nation of an item for the auction or a monetary donation, please contact Brandy Jones at 859-274- 3135 Susan Price at 859- 250-8857. GILKERSON/GILK- SON FAMILY RE- UNION Saturday, Sept. 22, 2012 Legion Hall, on Legion Rd., Paris, Ky. 10 a.m to 6 p.m We will eat at 12:30. Please bring your own covered dishes and soft drinks. Utensils, plates, napkins, lemonade and coffee will be provided. For more information, contact, Deloris Brooks, 859-987-4744 or Joyce Dean, 859-948-7064. CAVE RUN STORY- TEUJNG FESTIVAL September 26-29, Twin Knobs Recreation area, off of Hwy. 801 Festival begins 9:45 a.m. on Friday and Sat- urday. Evening perfor- mances begin at 7:00 p.m. For more information contact the Morehead Tourism Commission at 800-654-1944 or 606-780- 4342. 3RD ANNUAL HOE- DOWN IN THE HOL- LER, MANDOLIN FARMS, FLEMINGS- BURG Friday, October 5, 7 p.m Hoedown Star win- ner Nate Stone; 8 p.m. Kevin Stover; 9 p.m. Da- vid James and the Gang. Gates open Friday at 5 p.m. Admission is $10 and is available only at the gate that night. Chil- dren 6 and under admit- ted free. Saturday, October 6, 4 p.m. Jalda Dreyer; 4:45 p.m. Edgewood; 6:45 p.m. Bobby Davis and the Sounds of Haggard; 9 p.m. Daryle Singletary. Tickets for the Saturday portion of the festival are $20 in advance, $25 at the gate on show day. Gates will open at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday. Children 6 and under are free. Children 7 - 12 years of age will be admitted for $10. Res- ervations for campsites are currently being ac- cepted. For more infor- marion, visit the website www.hoedowninthehol- or become a fan of Hoedown in the Holler on Facebook. FLEMINGSBURG COURT DAYS, OCtO- BER 6 AND 7 OCTOBER COURT DAYS, iT. STER- LING, OCTOBER 12 - 15 Ridgeway Nursing & Rehabilitation Come and join our team at: Ridgewway Nursing & Rehabilitation Facility in Owingsville we are currently looking for full time night shift: L.EN. R.N. C.M.T. C.N.A. Hilltop Nursing & Rehabilitaion is also looking for part-time dietary cook. Ridgeway & Hilltop Paid Holidays Health, Dental Vision 401K Retirement Plan Paid Vacations Interested persons should apply in person at Ridgeway Nursing and Rehabilitaion. And We'll Be There For You! Trucking Insurance CALL Lowest Rates in the State of Kentucky/ INSURANCE 1-888-333-4471